What to Do After Getting a New Laptop

Whether y'all are a reckoner expert or only a regular user, in that location is zero better than that first time you unbox a brand new laptop. Let'due south face it, today nosotros are all tied to our devices, from smartphones to laptops and even desktop computers. In this modern globe, we live in die with technology in our easily. This is why opening a brand new laptop is so much fun. On elevation of that, when virtually of united states of america purchase a new laptop, our old ones have finally stopped working or just become also slow, and at that place is nothing improve than using a fresh laptop that is new, clean and, of course, very fast.

Just because you spent the time to cull the all-time laptop from one of our laptop ownership guides doesn't mean that your job is done. You are going to want to spend some fourth dimension learning what to do with your new laptop by properly setting everything upwardly and configuring your new laptop for for your needs. If you don't, you will probably find yourself having to stop and load software or go rid of something abrasive when you are already busy trying to take care of something else.

Today we will take a look at 9 things you should do commencement later buying a new laptop so you can properly configure it and fix information technology to be used by you 24-hour interval in and day out for both piece of work and play.

Here are is our total list of the necessary things to do when you get a new laptop:

1. Check Your Box

While it is rare, sometimes things get left out of your box. This could exist something simple like the warranty data or something a piffling more than important such as part of your power cable. Cheque the contents of your box carefully to be sure everything is there based on the images supplied by your retailers website.  If something is missing, pack information technology all up and return it for a new ane or, at the very least, get the visitor to send you the parts you demand that were accidentally left out of the box. Afterwards all, y'all paid for a make new laptop, and then yous want to get everything that comes with information technology.

ii. File Away Any Paperwork & Warranty Info

When you purchase a new laptop, often at that place will be warranty information, registration cards and more included in the box. While many people just toss this out, they can provide much needed information in the outcome that yous run into a problem.   Take all this information and place information technology in a file folder and tuck it away with all of your other of import documents. It's also a good idea to include your receipt in that file besides. If something does happen down the road, you will want to be able to prove when you purchased the laptop particularly if you are dealing with a problem that should be fixed nether warranty.

three. Connect Your Laptop

Once y'all have adamant that y'all have everything, it is time to prepare it up. If you lot have a workstation in your surface area, go ahead and run the power cables properly at your desk and run any USB cables that you demand like the ones continued to a printer.  While yous don't have to plug them in but yet, it is a good thought to go ahead and have everything ready to plug in before you start the rest of the process.  While you don't have to, I have found that in the long run it just easier if you lot take everything organized and properly prepared before yous commencement the configuration process.

iv. Fix Your Account

Now the fun begins.  Turn on your computer and watch it boot up for the commencement time. Chances are y'all volition be prompted to create a user account for the figurer that y'all will use to log on – you lot will too have to choose between creating a Microsoft account or just using a local Windows account. Go ahead and create this account now.  Be certain you lot utilise a password that you will think and so you don't forget how to log onto your computer later.  During this procedure you should also take a few moments to connect it to your wireless network or at least hook it up with your trusty Ethernet cablevision so yous accept Cyberspace access.

5. Remove Any Bloatware

Many laptops come with software already preloaded onto the computer. Sometimes this software volition exist useful to you and yous want to proceed it. However, in most cases the software that is included is what nosotros call bloatware. This software usually comes in the grade of software demos or silly games that you won't find useful at all. In other cases you will detect software that exists on your new machine for the sole purpose of trying to sell you something down the road. Bloatware is annoying, ofttimes useless, and takes up valuable resources on your computer. Pay a visit to your programs command panel and get rid of anything you lot don't demand.

6. Run All Windows Updates

Windows update
It never ceases to amaze me how many people will ignore Windows updates.  Microsoft releases these updates for a reason and, while sometimes they practice screw up, most of the fourth dimension these updates are designed to fix problems that have been plant with Windows or they patch security vulnerabilities that accept been identified. These security holes could permit attackers to take command of your figurer without you lot knowing it. Once they take control of your organization, they could steal your information or use your computer for other nefarious purposes.

While Windows 10 makes it quite hard to ignore updates, you still need to make certain you run them when you become a new computer. In fact, this is one of the offset things you should exercise earlier you accept your computer online to await for other software and updates.  Once you have run the updates, go ahead and set your updates to run automatically if y'all are using Windows seven or Windows 8. Having your machine setup this fashion will keep y'all from having to bargain with information technology on a daily basis while also ensuring that your computer has the latest updates that ready many different issues with your PC and protect you from security threats.

7. Install Antivirus / Firewall Software


While this holds truthful for any computer, it is particularly important if you are running Windows of any version.  Windows 10 does accept Microsoft's own antivirus software but there are many other gratis anti-virus programs that sometimes run much amend and provide much more protection. Before yous spend any time on the Cyberspace, you demand to make sure you have installed antivirus software and run all of its updates.  Never connect to the Internet without it as viruses and malware can be lurking but well-nigh anywhere, including seemingly legit sites. In one case your antivirus software has completed its installation and updates, go alee and give your machine a good reboot before yous keep with your configuration.

Anti-Virus (choose ONE but)

  • Avast Complimentary
  • Kaspersky Free

Firewalls (optional for extra security – choose ONE merely)

  • Comodo Firewall Free
  • Zonealarm Firewall Free

There are many choices out there when it comes to practiced antivirus software.  While you could become with a paid option, the above are all trusted free antivirus and firewalls. While each one offers their own unique accept on protection and features, they will all take care of your security needs at abode with relative ease.

8. Install Software

Installing Software
Now that your laptop is up to engagement and protected, it is time to install all the software that you will need in order to piece of work.  Now, there isn't a set list of software that you must have to use your reckoner every bit every user's needs are unlike. That being said, there are a few pieces of software that you will desire to install that I believe will help you be more productive and make sure you tin can open almost anything that you might see.

Some of the software that I recommend are:

  • Other Internet browsers such every bit Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox
  • Office Suite such equally Microsoft Office
  • Anti-Malware software such as Malwarebytes
  • Adobe Reader
  • Adobe Flash
  • Any other software you demand and apply

This is by no ways a complete list of applications you lot may demand. Just if you go through these and run the installs in the beginning, it can be much easier and save you a ton of headaches downwardly the route.

Of course, don't but go and install every piece of software you see. Too much and you tin overload your computer and you lot increase your chances of downloading and installing junk onto your computer. E'er recall to pull software from reputable sources and read all the reviews carefully before you lot download it.

9. Copy Your Files


Now that you have your computer updated and all the software that you lot need installed and ready to become, information technology is fourth dimension to re-create your files that you demand onto your new computer.  The question becomes exactly how do yous move all your files over from that erstwhile laptop? In that location are several ways y'all can do this.

Showtime, yous could sign up for one of the many cloud storage options from Dropbox or Google Drive and move all your files there. In this setup, you really tin merely shop everything on the cloud then you lot never accept to worry near backing up your data always over again. Just, if you prefer to have your files locally so you lot don't necessarily need an Internet connectedness, you can nevertheless use these services to movement your files from one machine to another. The downside to this method is it takes time to re-create them to and from the Net and your file storage infinite is limited unless you sign up for a premium account. Still, if you like having all your files attainable from multiple machines, this is the way to go.

If cloud storage isn't your forte, then perhaps you could effort using an external difficult drive or a USB flash drive to motility your files. In this scenario, you lot connect the drive to your old laptop and re-create all your personal files to it. You lot and then disconnect it from your old laptop, connect it to your shiny new laptop and then copy the files to it.  The benefits of this method is that information technology is by far the easiest but it does require the investment in additional equipment. The external hard bulldoze is the nearly expensive method but will get you the most storage, and information technology makes a keen backup tool to employ with your new laptop once you take moved your files. USB wink storage is much cheaper, but y'all can't store as much stuff on it meaning y'all may take to make more trip dorsum and forth with the pollex drive to go all your files.

Final Thoughts

Getting a new laptop is e'er fun and exciting.  In fact, I don't know anyone who doesn't enjoy getting a new laptop.  If y'all find someone who hates new laptops, let me know! While you may be tempted to toss your sometime laptop bated and start using your new 1, accept a deep breath. Retrieve, skillful things come to those who wait.

Now that you know what to exercise after buying a new laptop I hope you tin run into that taking an hr or two to properly setup your new laptop and become it ready to exist used is completely worth information technology. While I know having to wait is tough in this world of instant gratification in which we live, just sometimes you simply have to expect if you want to make sure something is properly taken care of and ready to use, and your laptop is 1 of them. With just a picayune chip of work alee of fourth dimension, y'all can prepare your laptop to become the ultimate computer for you going forward, at to the lowest degree until you are ready for your next upgrade.

Is there anything on this list that you recollect I missed?  If you tin can think of anything else that new laptop owners should do before starting to use their shiny new computer let me know in the comments below. If I agree, we may have to change the title of this article to 10 things y'all should do or fifty-fifty xi or 12!  Don't exist shy. The idea is to create a list of things people should do and so that can make sure their new laptop is ready to get out to the Net and exist used on a daily basis. And then chime in and allow me know what you recollect!


Source: https://laptop.ninja/9-things-you-should-do-first-after-buying-a-new-laptop/

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